Monday, August 10, 2009
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
i just got back from a 2 day ambulance attachment at Paya Lebar Fire station and it has been an exhilarating ride. from the streets of geylang to the neighbourhood of eunos. from tan tock seng hospital to changi general hospital and to KK children's hospital. it was fun!
the thing that i realised is that most of the things that i learned during my medic course isnt mostly applied during work. it's just like nursing. u learn the basics but you improvise to save time and energy. maybe there are a few shortcuts along the way but in this kind of line, u probably need to take a few.
anyway, i had many interesting calls. had one lady trying to injure herself with a knife. it's quite sad as she had 2 very small children with her who witnessed the whole thing. fortunately, she stopped and promised not to do it again. and we treated her injuries.
i had a cute boy who got his head injured because he banged into some glass panel at the Singapore Flyer. then he got tired and slept peacefully in the ambulance. heheh!
my last call was about an elderly lady who was already dead when we got there. my paramedic estimated that she died for about an hour before we first received the call.
the only case which i wanted to experience but didn't get to is the collapse case. so i didnt had the chance to do CPR in the ambulance. not that i want to have someone die in front of me (or be a hero and save a life) but it would have been an experience of a lifetime. right? which reminded me of a story on how i did CPR on my neighbour who collapsed. at that time, my collarbone was still broken and when i entered my neighbour's house, i saw a paramedic putting on the defibrillation pads onto the patient's chest. while he was doing that, i asked whether i could do CPR. he said yes and i took off my sling and started doing it.
saw farini and nurul at cgh A&E. chatted with them for a while and by the looks of it, i think they're happy working there. i'm probably just assuming but i like to think that way. anyway, since there is a swine flu outbreak in many parts of the world, i really hope that there won't be one in singapore. coz if there is, u will see all the paramedics and medics wearing the yellow gown, N95 mask and goggles while attending to all cases. that would be painstakingly mafan.
and that was it for my 2 days of attachment :) hahah!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
the last time i went to cineleisure, i realised that there is actually movie/gaming rooms that u can rent to do gaming and movie-ing ( if there is such a term).
i supposed celebrating a friend's birthday at that place is good. it's probably not the best but if u want to have a mini party cum a movie marathon, then it would be sufficient.
it was a surprise birthday party planned by my another friend. my part was to hide in the room, jump out in the dark and surprise her. and i probably did a bad job at surprising her. i suck at surprising ppl.
we watched Mr. Woodcock. the movie was okok. not so funny but it wasn't so bad either. but during the movie, i always hear ppl shouting or screaming in the next room. even though it's an enclosed room but i still hear screaming. but there is no way a couple can do anything funny inside coz there are cameras that is monitoring in each and every room.
i am saying this just in case any random person reads this and decided to do an activity there with a partner. at least now u know there is a camera.
i had to leave for a while towards the end of the party coz i had to meet my brother at city hall. we wanted to get something at the IT Fair at suntec city. i know suntec is huge and the crowd is so mega huge too. i think over the years, i have lost abit of patience when it comes to making my way around. i had to constantly push and shove ppl around. and i accidentally keep kicking the ppl's heels too. maybe in a way, it would let them know my presence behind them. hahah! lucky i didnt make anyone trip and fall.
my brother, hafiz, wanted to get an xbox 360. at first, i wasnt so keen. but i missed gaming so much and i decided why not try it. and it comes with free games too! but the best part was i received an extra controller that i wasnt supposed to get. u see, the whole set only came with one controller. i bought another controller at half price. so i should only be having be 2 controllers right? but when we got home, i saw one controller in the set box and another 2 controllers inside the plastic bag. so i got 3!!!! hahaha! just nice for izzan, hafiz and me.
now i should save money to buy more games. delphine had guitar heroes and i heard it is so good that u'll be addicted. so i must train and then compete with her.
it was really really really very tiring walking around the fair. i have to admit, i hated going to IT fairs. if i go for one, my mission will be to search and buy as quick as possible. comparing prices will only be done if i buy something which cost me more than $200.
the whole thing is really cool. and now i have something to look forward to when i go home. but i think i have to buy some girly games. or fantasy games just in case if i have kids coming to my house to play and tell me that their parents dont allow them to play gore, hardcore or sexual theme games.
finally, i hope u all had a great weekend :)
Friday, March 06, 2009

how would you feel if someone were to sleep when u are giving a lecture?
u know, i may have been a bad or rude person as i remembered the times i used to sleep during lectures. now i know how the lecturers feel when they see their students sleeping or snoring inconsiderately. and u probably have your reasons; stayed up late to do project, worked part time to get extra allowance or excessive involvement in CCAs. bla bla bla. n da da da.
today it seem that the trainees from SRB ( a unit in the CD ) are in a lazy mood. i've actually took them for a week already since last week and this week will be their last. and today i had to give a really boring lecture. it is really a boring topic so i really tried hard to make it interesting.
so during my lecture, i had trainees who occasionally doze off and i had to repeatedly ask them to wake up. either my lecture materials are too boring or it is me who is the boring one. i don't know but if i am really a boring person, i would take any opportunity to prove ppl wrong.
the worst part was there were two trainees who were sitting at the first row and they were sleeping like nobody's business. suddenly i became abit angry i told them to do the push-ups. gave them 20 each. and then i was a happy man.
the point is, i wasn't really trying to abuse or exercise excessively on my given authority. i know it's common for ppl to doze off during class. but i definitely wasn't going to let some ppl enjoy their nap while i am trying my best to impart my knowledge to them. even if i turned out to be a boring person. haha!

maybe not.
i say, there is no point abusing power. i rather be a nice and firm instructor than being a fierce and hardcore one. i don't want to get beaten up outside camp just because they hate me for being so fierce! like i am only serving my NS for a year and 10 months! risk my life and die for my country??? not this way definitely. i rather get shot during war rather than i get stab by the trainees :P
yes i rather get shot.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
i've never been to carousel before and i've got to say that place is really something. the food was exquisite. lobsters and prawns were fresh. cakes and chocolates were delicious. the steak was bright pink but tasted excellent. don't get me started on the chickens. i already planned to eat alot of the chickens before i got there.
cheryl is leaving for brisbane and she wanted us to have a small dinner gathering before she leaves. so i suggested Carousel coz i heard so much abt this place. since everyone told me that the food there is great, i was assured that i will not be dissappointed with the food.
so yes. i wasn't dissappointed at all. dinner is at 52 dollars excluding taxes per person. so try it when u have the chance.
seems like alot of my friends have enrolled themselves for degree courses. some took part time, others took full time. i supposed, even through these economic tough times, one has to upgrade themselves. when when when when will i take my degree? i heard i can take my nursing degree during NS. now if that is true, i will try enrol after one year of NS. then can complete my degree while i am in my first year in ttsh. hahaha!
finally, after 5 weeks, i have started playing soccer again. i thought i should get myself back to my fitness level because the doctor at my camp didn't want to downgrade my PES. which is good of course. coz downgrading my PES will affect my allowance and promotion. so hopefully, come july, i will be promoted to the next rank. and still be that fit again An-Nur.

so it doesn't matter whether u have a broken clavicle, ankle or arm. when u have recovered, and think u're ready for the challenge, u will overcome the obstacles.
Monday, February 16, 2009
after a month of absence from work, it is good to be back doing some work in the office.
and after 3 months being in the branch, i finally got...
... promoted to lance corporal ONLY!
pardon the seriousness of my face. ppl say instructors have to act fierce. and i know it's not a big deal. so yes it is not a big deal.
anyway, i found out that i am not the youngest student anymore in my keyboard class. there were 2 other girls probably around 7 or 8 year olds learning the same thing as i am. except that these kids has to learn to write the notes on a music sheet itself. maybe soon they will become future composers.
then i can say " hey i used to go music classes with her! she's a prodigy!"
(macam faham sey an-nur!)
and after 3 months being in the branch, i finally got...

pardon the seriousness of my face. ppl say instructors have to act fierce. and i know it's not a big deal. so yes it is not a big deal.
anyway, i found out that i am not the youngest student anymore in my keyboard class. there were 2 other girls probably around 7 or 8 year olds learning the same thing as i am. except that these kids has to learn to write the notes on a music sheet itself. maybe soon they will become future composers.
then i can say " hey i used to go music classes with her! she's a prodigy!"
(macam faham sey an-nur!)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
here i am again posting pictures of little kids again. this time, it's only 2 and i took them without them knowing.
this girl was part of an entourage that came to support a soccer team.
i saw this girl during my cousin's wedding procession. at first, i was asking the little girl to look at the camera and smile. but she just looked and then rolled eyes at me and looked away to her mother or aunt. feeling abit dejected, i just took her picture at another angle.
anyway, i thought she has nice perfect lips. hahah!
just to update about myself;
1) i have been taking keyboard lessons. i have been wanting to do this since young and i am finally playing it at the age of 22. hahah! and in my class, i am the youngest because there's 2 older man learning to play the keyboard too. so age is not a barrier if u want to learn something new!
2) i just passed my basic theory test yesterday. applied for PDL too and i am looking forward to start on my practical session. like for any other human beings, getting a driving license is probably a significant part of their lives. so yes.. i will look forward to the day when i get that license.
3) my collarbone is fine... except for a few pinches and pain at some point of time. i don't know but i think my collarbone is fixed wrongly coz i can see the end of the bone is sticking out slightly out of position. so everytime when i rotate my head, i feel the sharp pain like as if the bone is eating into my flesh. it's really not a good feeling especially when u have a strain neck and u keep wanting to rotate ur head or neck to relieve. i always think that the bone is searing my jugular vein, waiting for that final moment when it will tear completely and then bleed inside my neck.
but of course, that won't happen lah.
finally, i want and need to ask whether anyone is interested to go to a Coldplay's concert next month on the 23rd. if anyone's interested, just msn or msg me.
since i have never been to a concert before, i might as well do this while i still can and able to.
finally finally,
Happy Valentine's Day to those who love whoever that you wish to love :)
anyway, i thought she has nice perfect lips. hahah!
just to update about myself;
1) i have been taking keyboard lessons. i have been wanting to do this since young and i am finally playing it at the age of 22. hahah! and in my class, i am the youngest because there's 2 older man learning to play the keyboard too. so age is not a barrier if u want to learn something new!
2) i just passed my basic theory test yesterday. applied for PDL too and i am looking forward to start on my practical session. like for any other human beings, getting a driving license is probably a significant part of their lives. so yes.. i will look forward to the day when i get that license.
3) my collarbone is fine... except for a few pinches and pain at some point of time. i don't know but i think my collarbone is fixed wrongly coz i can see the end of the bone is sticking out slightly out of position. so everytime when i rotate my head, i feel the sharp pain like as if the bone is eating into my flesh. it's really not a good feeling especially when u have a strain neck and u keep wanting to rotate ur head or neck to relieve. i always think that the bone is searing my jugular vein, waiting for that final moment when it will tear completely and then bleed inside my neck.
but of course, that won't happen lah.
finally, i want and need to ask whether anyone is interested to go to a Coldplay's concert next month on the 23rd. if anyone's interested, just msn or msg me.
since i have never been to a concert before, i might as well do this while i still can and able to.
finally finally,
Friday, January 30, 2009
i love kids!
the innocence. the cuteness.
i was with my friends last tuesday just to watch them played soccer. given my current condition, i still could not play. while watching them play, i felt slightly jealous or maybe angry that i wasn't able to play. i may be regretting having this injury.
anyway, i know i was probably foolish to go outside and watch ppl play soccer while knowing that i could feel this way. hahah! or maybe im just complaining.
anyway, i brought my camera along to take pictures of my friends playing the sports. but the highlight of this article is actually not them.
it is THEM :)
since they were playing happily, i decided to capture their moments of happiness.
every children likes to pose!
for me, these 2 kids are the cutest. i love his fish bone t-shirt. hehe!
i think the kid wasn't comfortable when i carried him. hahah!

my friends told me i must ask their parents permission to take pictures with their kids or risk getting sued. of course, it wasn't true lah but i was so gullible to believe them.
i wish i could play too!!!! and not have to worry about work, or school, or money, or the way i wear. just eat and play :P
and finally!
look what i snapped for my brother's POP. i snapped MUHAIMIN in this picture and i didn't even knew until i uploaded it and saw it close-up. this is probably like finding wally.
2 more weeks till i start work :(
the innocence. the cuteness.
i was with my friends last tuesday just to watch them played soccer. given my current condition, i still could not play. while watching them play, i felt slightly jealous or maybe angry that i wasn't able to play. i may be regretting having this injury.
anyway, i know i was probably foolish to go outside and watch ppl play soccer while knowing that i could feel this way. hahah! or maybe im just complaining.
anyway, i brought my camera along to take pictures of my friends playing the sports. but the highlight of this article is actually not them.
my friends told me i must ask their parents permission to take pictures with their kids or risk getting sued. of course, it wasn't true lah but i was so gullible to believe them.
and finally!
2 more weeks till i start work :(
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Happy CNY to all the chinese people out there!
i just got back from kl last tuesday. took the monday night bus and reached singapore at about 6.30 am tuesday. luckily it is still the holidays and there weren't a lot of people at the immigrations checkpoint and on the streets.
i am surprised that chinatown is still packed with people even though it is the CNY festival. looks like some of the local chinese people didn't go back to their kampung or hometown to celebrate with their family. instead, they still carry on with their businesses entertaining the tourists and locals alike.
i didn't do much shopping. but the others did major shopping like there is no tomorrow. so i spent abit of time waiting at starbucks and some coffee shops. it was relaxing though. hahah!
and when u are in malaysia, surely u will indulge yourself in food and glorious food. my other aim of this trip is for me to gain weight too! so we'll see how my weight in a few days to come.
actually, i wasn't sure whether i could go for the trip because of my current collarbone condition. i was thinking of going there with a wheel bag so that i wont have to carry it. but the bag is small and i chose to bring a big backpack instead. it was uncomfortable to carry the bag only on my left shoulder but guys have to tahan right. hahah!
i thought it was going to be the start of a bad trip because we missed the bus to KL! the bus was supposed was supposed to leave at 3pm but when we reached there at 3pm, the bus was gone. so we went to the counter where we bought the tickets and asked where the bus is. the lady at the counter told us the bus is at another platform. initially, our tickets stated that the bus was at platform 20. and she changed it to platform 18. so went back to platform 18 only to find out that there is no bus there. so we returned to the counter again and enquired. the lady looking panicked called a guy who looks scruffy to handle my problem. and he came and said:
scruffy guy - "sorry but your bus just left." ( talking in bochap manner)
me - "but we just reached exactly at 3pm and how can the bus leaves us without waiting?"
scruffy guy- "the bus leaves exactly at 3pm and u are late. sorry cannot do anything about it."
at this moment, i was going to say the F word but i kept my cool. but in the end, i had to argue with him.
me - "eh.. i know the bus will at least wait for 10 - 30 minutes for the passengers and now u are telling me that the bus suddenly wanted to leave punctually."
scruffy guy - "yes brother... we wont wait for people one. the bus leaves on time."
i had a good reason to complain because the platform where the bus was supposed to be had changed at the last minute. and how can the BUS NOT WAIT FOR US????
in the end, i told the guy to get us the bus no matter what. we did and got a very decent looking bus which looks like it was chartered by some third party company. i had no comment about the ride. it was just freaking uncomfortable. full stop.
this is for that man and all those people trying to cheat us -
honestly, i would have said the F word in my blog. but i'm just afraid i have young readers who chanced upon my blog and see atrocious languages.
anyway, it was good to know that the trip didn't turned out bad or worse after that incident. i only wished that these people just wont cheat passengers. i mean, what if there is a poor malaysian who needs to go back to his hometown urgently and found out that his bus left way to early or there wasn't any bus at all in the first place to go with. and he would have to fork out another amount of his hard earned cash just to get back. stop it sia this ticket sellers.
no problem when we returned home.
just a bit tired from the trip (-_-)
Monday, January 19, 2009
i was reading nad's blog and she was talking about capturing the images of life and nature of another world. like a third world country like thailand or india. or a modern world country like maybe the western countries. whatever or wherever it is, the idea is to capture those moments.
something which i have deeply believed in the art of photography.
i have written an article about this before. but that was before ns, and ns definitely limits the time on my amateur hobby. yes i am an amateur. but i am also an explorer! yes i explore new things with my camera (hahah!) and i want to explore the world too. i know that many bloggers have said this many many many times before. they say they want to travel the world. they say they want to experience new cultures. they say want to see the other side of life.
like what?
see the poor people of africa? see the lives of the people living in one of the provinces of china? the red light districts of thailand? the beaches of australia? the mountains of japan?

if i had the talent, i would definitely want to become a National Geographic photojournalist. i'll probably grow old and addicted to that kind of job. and i will bring my future wife along too. i think there is nothing better than enjoying that moment in a scenic place with your loved one. singapore is redundant.

i remembered i did a video on environmental conservation back when i was in secondary 2. it was about conserving water. when everyone else used powerpoints and vanguard sheets, my group and i used a video camera. VANGUARD SHEETS or what... old school sia that thing. hahahah! anyway, we created something like a program show going around conducting interviews and at the same time narrating the importance of conserving our precious resources. and during our project evaluation, my teacher pointed out that i speak very softly like a girl. i didnt get angry because i knew i speak very softly. even ppl complained that i kind of mumbled jumbled my words. i must have irritated them i guessed.
the point of this story is just to tell u that i might do anything to protect the environment. so don't go pee in the sea, vomit in the reservoir or shit in the lake. coz i regretted when i urinated in the sea during an Outward Bound course in Pulau Ubin, because i knew my body was contaminated with it. yech!

remember! don't pee in the sea!
something which i have deeply believed in the art of photography.
i have written an article about this before. but that was before ns, and ns definitely limits the time on my amateur hobby. yes i am an amateur. but i am also an explorer! yes i explore new things with my camera (hahah!) and i want to explore the world too. i know that many bloggers have said this many many many times before. they say they want to travel the world. they say they want to experience new cultures. they say want to see the other side of life.
like what?
see the poor people of africa? see the lives of the people living in one of the provinces of china? the red light districts of thailand? the beaches of australia? the mountains of japan?
if i had the talent, i would definitely want to become a National Geographic photojournalist. i'll probably grow old and addicted to that kind of job. and i will bring my future wife along too. i think there is nothing better than enjoying that moment in a scenic place with your loved one. singapore is redundant.
i remembered i did a video on environmental conservation back when i was in secondary 2. it was about conserving water. when everyone else used powerpoints and vanguard sheets, my group and i used a video camera. VANGUARD SHEETS or what... old school sia that thing. hahahah! anyway, we created something like a program show going around conducting interviews and at the same time narrating the importance of conserving our precious resources. and during our project evaluation, my teacher pointed out that i speak very softly like a girl. i didnt get angry because i knew i speak very softly. even ppl complained that i kind of mumbled jumbled my words. i must have irritated them i guessed.
the point of this story is just to tell u that i might do anything to protect the environment. so don't go pee in the sea, vomit in the reservoir or shit in the lake. coz i regretted when i urinated in the sea during an Outward Bound course in Pulau Ubin, because i knew my body was contaminated with it. yech!
remember! don't pee in the sea!
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