something which i have deeply believed in the art of photography.
i have written an article about this before. but that was before ns, and ns definitely limits the time on my amateur hobby. yes i am an amateur. but i am also an explorer! yes i explore new things with my camera (hahah!) and i want to explore the world too. i know that many bloggers have said this many many many times before. they say they want to travel the world. they say they want to experience new cultures. they say want to see the other side of life.
like what?
see the poor people of africa? see the lives of the people living in one of the provinces of china? the red light districts of thailand? the beaches of australia? the mountains of japan?
if i had the talent, i would definitely want to become a National Geographic photojournalist. i'll probably grow old and addicted to that kind of job. and i will bring my future wife along too. i think there is nothing better than enjoying that moment in a scenic place with your loved one. singapore is redundant.
i remembered i did a video on environmental conservation back when i was in secondary 2. it was about conserving water. when everyone else used powerpoints and vanguard sheets, my group and i used a video camera. VANGUARD SHEETS or what... old school sia that thing. hahahah! anyway, we created something like a program show going around conducting interviews and at the same time narrating the importance of conserving our precious resources. and during our project evaluation, my teacher pointed out that i speak very softly like a girl. i didnt get angry because i knew i speak very softly. even ppl complained that i kind of mumbled jumbled my words. i must have irritated them i guessed.
the point of this story is just to tell u that i might do anything to protect the environment. so don't go pee in the sea, vomit in the reservoir or shit in the lake. coz i regretted when i urinated in the sea during an Outward Bound course in Pulau Ubin, because i knew my body was contaminated with it. yech!
remember! don't pee in the sea!
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