i just got back from a 2 day ambulance attachment at Paya Lebar Fire station and it has been an exhilarating ride. from the streets of geylang to the neighbourhood of eunos. from tan tock seng hospital to changi general hospital and to KK children's hospital. it was fun!
the thing that i realised is that most of the things that i learned during my medic course isnt mostly applied during work. it's just like nursing. u learn the basics but you improvise to save time and energy. maybe there are a few shortcuts along the way but in this kind of line, u probably need to take a few.
anyway, i had many interesting calls. had one lady trying to injure herself with a knife. it's quite sad as she had 2 very small children with her who witnessed the whole thing. fortunately, she stopped and promised not to do it again. and we treated her injuries.
i had a cute boy who got his head injured because he banged into some glass panel at the Singapore Flyer. then he got tired and slept peacefully in the ambulance. heheh!
my last call was about an elderly lady who was already dead when we got there. my paramedic estimated that she died for about an hour before we first received the call.
the only case which i wanted to experience but didn't get to is the collapse case. so i didnt had the chance to do CPR in the ambulance. not that i want to have someone die in front of me (or be a hero and save a life) but it would have been an experience of a lifetime. right? which reminded me of a story on how i did CPR on my neighbour who collapsed. at that time, my collarbone was still broken and when i entered my neighbour's house, i saw a paramedic putting on the defibrillation pads onto the patient's chest. while he was doing that, i asked whether i could do CPR. he said yes and i took off my sling and started doing it.
saw farini and nurul at cgh A&E. chatted with them for a while and by the looks of it, i think they're happy working there. i'm probably just assuming but i like to think that way. anyway, since there is a swine flu outbreak in many parts of the world, i really hope that there won't be one in singapore. coz if there is, u will see all the paramedics and medics wearing the yellow gown, N95 mask and goggles while attending to all cases. that would be painstakingly mafan.
and that was it for my 2 days of attachment :) hahah!
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