Monday, December 18, 2006
the one with his kkh attachment
anyway, cass is away on a trip for a week to malaysia. she's going to genting and i hope she's having a great time playing the rides or the casino or whatever she can find there. okay i may get a little mushy now but i started to miss her after her last mobile message (she didnt bring her phone to malaysia). so to all of you out there.... appreciate the time spent with your loved one :) who knows u are being missed hehhe!
yes u all are being missed in one way or another!
Monday, December 04, 2006
the one with his Step Up
i'm wondering too.
some of you may wonder why my blog speaks less words nowadays. well, it is not because i don't have something to talk about. i can't possibly talk about soccer coz i've talked about that for many many times.
maybe i should tell u about this movie Step Up that i have watched last thursday. this movie will make u dance out of the theatre after it finishes. if u guys had watched She's The Man, u would remember who is the actor.

overall, i give this movie a 3 out of 5 because the storyline is abit off-key. i don't know how to explain but there is not much aura. yeah it'll sure make u dance in your seats but not enough for the whole day. hahaha okay if u think that i sound like im trying to be a movie critic, i will say THANKS! lol.
dinner at NYDC. the food is not bad. but the E=MC2 chocolate drink is damn terrible LAH! haha!
take care everyone :)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
the one with his birthday

anyway, i put up that pic first coz that pic signifies an event that would not ( or never ) be forgotten in my life. it was supposed to be a day where we could go to BUGIS and have our Break Fast ( it was during Ramadan) with my secondary school friends. we met up at my house and plan to go to Bugis from there. but Fadhil said he's at his friend's house so we will have to pick him up there. by then it was already 6.30pm. I mean, it doesnt take 25 minutes to get to bugis. plus we will have to look for a place to eat which will probably take another 25 minutes. all i know was we had to get there as fast as possible but my bro told us just to have a drink first at my house and then go off to bugis.
Then we went off to get fadhil which turns out that he was at Bukit Gombak or Bukit Batok. he was in a condo so we went inside the area to wait for him. then he came down and told us to go up to his friend's place as he said "there's a lot of great chickies, man!". dots. he told us we could eat for awhile before we go off. at first, i contemplated coz we were already late. but then i was abit hungry so i just followed suit. we walked up the stairs, went through a maze and then i saw MAHES. i was thinking what the hell is he doing here and then i thought maybe he's having a bbq with his indian friends or whatever. and then...
"HappyBirthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to An-Nur!"
"Happy Birthday to You!"
to those who want to know whether i cried or not, the answer is no! to those who want to know whether i was touched or not, the answer is yes! i mean who doesnt right? i never got a surprise birthday party before. now like after 20 years i got one, so it was like "whatheeee!". hahahaha! let the pics do the storytelling now :)

a group photo with my sec sch friends and nik. it turns out that Cass, my poly friends, my sec sch friends has collaborated in making this event.
My brother, Hafiz.
chey! handsome sia fadhil! hahahaha!
My Birthday Cake. notice my name changed to Anonei. my nick back in sec sch. haha!
eh! what is cass and del doing sia in front of the camera?!!! hahaha!
just what i need for my bday gift. a jockstrap! LOL.
our private time has been captured by the paparazzi :P
sabotage always happened in bday parties.
yes. another view.
for my birthday gift, Cass made me journal of our first encounter and the journey towards being together. basically it tells the story of 2 people, one guy and one girl, met in under unsual circumstances. with coincidental past and a love towards a common thing.
i guessed it's the love between the 2 humans.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
the one with his and her chinatown
anyway, we went to Chinatown to get the BELT that Cass had always wanted. okok.. so it wasn't that hard to find the place! $2.20 for a belt is very very cheap!
and baby u're gonna look great in that polka-dot vest. i so can imagine u wearing it for ur Tuesday's presentation :)
All the best!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
the one with his and her neoprints

Two words: Flowery Perfecto.
Cass always want to be a princess! so that makes me a prince right? hehe! oh btw, did my pose remind u guys of an incident i had last time?? lol
for a first-timer like me, i definitely enjoyed the funny moments and poses i did with Cass. one of the great moments that u never want to forget :)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
this me and my friend,huz.
and this is cass and her friend xiu. (actually, cass took out the original picture that i put and this is the picture that she requested me to put instead. im not really sure why but i guessed she Thinks that she looks cute in this "2 Fingers" pose with xiu. or is it because she wants the whole world to know that she is a princess with that crown on her head??)
well, one thing that is quite common between me and cass is that we both like stripes. yes. we like stripey shirts that has horizontal lines because it makes us look meatier. now all you ppl who likes to say we're so skinny and bony, i assure u we are truly very happy with how we looked like today.
Dear Cass,
what are you looking at actually? is there a cockcroach there? btw, is xiulin making a Phone call Pose? i think her other hand dialing 911 to call the medic and carry ur sick cat which has a Bp of 25/10. really! i know u have a cat coz i saw ur cat on the washing machine trying to wash its baju and pants. i knowwww u got all Bs for ur module but dont be so SIAN coz i know u will get a BIG FAT A for your report card. i know the Elvis teacher likes to give u high marks right? u think im the teacher's pet?? i also know you are! hahaha! meow!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
firstly, most of the ward's staff are very very friendly and approachable. and i am kind of convinced that being a guy has its very big advantage when working in a female-oriented environment. somehow i feel they just need a guy or two to spice things up abit.
secondly, it's air-conditioned.
but the story is not abt the ward. but the interesting people that's inside.
there is this old man who was admitted on sunday so i saw him on the next day.. i forgot what illness he had but he looked sluggish and all. anyway, he wanted to bath so i donned my apron and gloves and brought him to the toilet. this toilet has a foldable chair where the patient can sit down and bath and so i put him there. while he was bathing, he asked me to get his toothbrush. i gave him and he happily brush his teeth.
i actually squatted infront of him coz my legs were abit tired. then suddenly he took out his teeth (which is the dentures of course!) and start brushing it in a different angle.. so while he was brushing it, he kinda brushed it so hard that the residue fly to my face la! walau! then he didnt say sorry at all! i actually stared at him just to wait for him to apologise! hahhaha! then i quickly washed my face with a handsoap. n i couldnt help thininking whether the residue hit my hair and get stucked to it. eeEEEEee!
we finished after 45 minutes of bathing plus denture-washing plus handwashing.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
the one with his thoughts
i've been thinking why am i in nursing.. like can i see myself working in the ward passing the reports? talk to demanding relatives? do my routine work? give the medication without error?
it's been a drag. really.
the exams were pretty hard and i can't help thinking that if i were to fail those papers, then would i be motivated to do further? i know most of u might say "it's all in the mind" or "if u put your heart and mind to it, then u'll be able to achieve it". my passion decreases which is so demoralising.
there is no doubt that i feel like quitting. of course i would feel that. and any normal human being will have that same kind of feeling once or twice in life. or maybe more till u become depressed. 'sian' maybe the word to describe the whole situation.
i wanted to go out yesterday. but my mum told me not to go out and demanded that i stayed at home. i told her i still wanna go out coz i've been working for a week and needed the break. she was still persistent about it and said no. she just said no.
haiz. i was given a no reason for not being able to go out.
i told my mum that im really not a Bad or Bad Habitual person. like im not a gangster and go around beating people. like im not a clubber who goes clubbing every night around drinking till the early morning. like im not a player going around having sex with teenagers under the age of 12. heh.
fadhil told me maybe because i told her that i wanted to go out at the last minute. i told him yeah im kinda like the last minute guy. and that i never intended for what had happened to happen.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
the one with his birthday girl
exams are over! but hell im not going to talk about exams coz it's boring to talk about it! i mean.. im sure u readers have seen other ppl screaming in their blogs about how they screwed in their exams and how they think that exams are sucky! eh! what the hell am i doing talking abt exams?! its over. fullstop.
yesterday i went to celebrate Cass's birthday at Swensen's. my friends and i tried to surprise her buttttttttt the birthday girl always seem to know that something is going on. i ate my chicken and she ate her fish and chips. laughing abt her past... or maybe their past.. haha!
then came the Cookies and Cream Cake. i never actually tasted one before but it was so damn good! anyway, before we ate the cake, the swensen's staff took out their birthday hat and sang the birthday song for her. hahaha... dont worry MISS CASS! the manager is my friend! lol.
if i lay here,
if i just lay here,
would you lie with me,
and just forget the world.
Friday, August 18, 2006
the one with his retainers
i cant talk properly coz of the retainers i am wearing now.. not only i cant talk properly but there's also alot of saliva building up in my mouth. don't worry coz i wont be spitting it out whle talking. although the words coming out from my mouth might sound different, im very sure that u're able to understand it. hehe!
CASS's birthday is coming and i got her a pressie already!
i know i know... it's supposed to be a surprise right? but to get her something that she likes, i should go out and pick gift for her right..? at least i know she likes it. hahaha!
anyway, before we went Bugis to get her gift, we went to watch a movie at lido orchard. n Someone recommended Hard Candy. ok.. if any of you (except for delphine lol!) watched this movie already, tell me what u think or rate it from 1 to 10.. :P
"I'm not worthy to kiss your feet." hahahahah!
i miss doing something :)
Saturday, July 29, 2006
the one with his day at the zoo
anw, a promise is a promise. and i promised to bring Cass to the zoo and i did. hehhe! miow! woof! roar! mbek! moo! ssss! ahhhhhhhhh! ( this is when Cass shouted when a butterfly chased her around!)
so the day started when both of us woke up at 8.45am. we met at AMK mrt at 11 and took 138 to the zoo! when we arrived, we went straight to the CHICKENS! at kfc. LOL!
so we entered to the haven of animals and the story begins wehn we saw the monkey high above at the trees...
the monkeys told us to go see the wise camel.

hungry animals.
before we took a pic of the polar bear, we decided to take ours. hehhe!
here is the white polar bear. and i forgot his name!
these wild dogs hunt in packs! and ferocious eaters too!
i think my hair looks good! hahahhaaha!
apparently someone not only like looking at ppl's butt.
so cute!
but this one is so MUCH cuter :)
i told her i like this candid pic i took of her.
what else is there to say about this pic?
u do not want to have this problem in your house!
u do not want this to be crawling up your back!
the butterfly that chased Cass around in the Rainforest Cage! hahaha!

oink oink!
wet baby kangaroo.
cass in her most decent and innocent face ever :)
while i try to be the opposite of decent :P
kangaroo jack! and the final picture of us :)
nothing beats this day than just going out with your loved one.