2008 is over and it is time to embrace the new year with peace and happiness!
well, i would prefer to have peace first then happiness because i am so saddened by the fact that so many people have died in the Israeli-Hamas conflicts. fathers losing their wives. mothers losing their children. children losing their mothers and so on and so forth. the worst part is most of the victims are children. it's crazy and i don't know how these Israeli soldiers can answer for their acts. same goes for the Hamas rocketeers who killed those innocent civilians in the southern part of Israel. can they really justify to God on why they have killed so many?
one day, i want to volunteer in a humanitarian aid relief group and go help those who suffer in whatever disaster or conflicts the victims face. i am sure that even with help, it is not enough to ease the pain of losing someone u love. i cannot imagine a mother holding a child with the limbs all gone. or a child sitting next to her mother with half of her body gone.
crazy this world is.
anyway, yesterday, something terrible happened. as usual, i would play soccer every sunday. and at every game, i always get the worst tackles from the opponents. i get kicked and pushed. heck! i even remembered someone punched me at the back of my head during a a soccer match. that was the time when i was still in Millennia Institute playing for the school team. but every time i get tackled, pushed, kicked and punched, i will always stand up and walk away. i have never retaliated. NEVER.
and yesterday, i got the worst tackle ever which has now stopped me from playing soccer.

i broke my collarbone.
i didnt believe that it was a freak accident. like i said earlier, i knew it was done out of malice. ppl may think i am exaggerating, but ask my mates who were there and they will tell u it's a case of bad intentions.

can u see my right clavicle sticking out?
i used my shoulder to break my fall because i know that if i use my hands, i will surely break my wrist. i already fractured my left wrist once and i dont really want to break the right one. and when i fell on my shoulder, i heard a dull crack. i stood up, felt my bones and i knew instantly that it was broken. the funny thing was, i said this to myself after i felt my broken clavicle:

at least i didnt break my legs right? that's why i am happy.
im fine really. it's normal to have ur bones broken in these kind of games. so i was brought to the hospital thinking that i would need to go for a surgery and put the broken bone into one. after a few xrays, the doctor told me to go home!
he said it's considered a mild injury and also because my bone did not pierce my skin. now at that time, i feel like giving him a broken collarbone too.
but since it's his recommendation, i decided to follow it. he referred me to a specialist whom i will be seeing this thursday and he prescribed me some painkillers. the truth is, my pain score is only about 1. there wasnt any sharp pain but i heard cracking sounds when i moved abit of my arm. and it's been okay since. the weird thing was that i went home with still a broken clavicle. it's like as if i went to hospital for nothing. but at least i got a referral.
my mum got pissed because the doctor didnt do anything about it. so everyday my mum gets worried. i'm not really worried coz i dont feel tremendous pain. it's just uncomfortable and i can only sleep in 2 positions which is lying on my back and lying on my left side of the body. luckily, i can still sleep soundly. so yeah, i'm okay. i can't play soccer for now but i hope i can still play after i recover.
right now, i'm only waiting for surgery.