my mum went to malaysia for a week and the stuffs she brought back are some ready-to-be-cook keropoks and a carpet. i thought she would bought me baju or something like that. anyway, it's those kind of carpet which is made of bamboo or something woody. i dont really know what material it is. but it's a carpet..
so as usual, i tried to be useful in the house. i did the dishes. i did the laundry. i did some vacuuming around the house. i folded the clothes and put it where it is supposed to be. i make sure my small brother, izzan, eats when it comes to breakfast, lunch and dinner. gave him pocket money for school. made coffee for my dad when he comes home. but most importantly, i have to keep the house clean and orderly.
because if i dont keep it that way, my mother will chop off my head. as a matter of fact, when she came back today, she said:
"u never vacuum the house ah??"
alamak.. i did okay! ( i said that in my heart )

i have come to love photography. and i love the idea of capturing those beautiful moments. the aura. and also the emotions that is portrayed by the subject of a picture. i am still an amateur. i dont know whether i am close to being an amateur but i feel like showcasing some pictures which i think it's good or okay. or okay-okay as some will say. hehe!
nik and his nephew. it's their birthday.
i showed this before. i like her hair flying to the side.
hafiz peeping. actually, it is a mirror reflection :)
a kid with balloon watching the water fountain. maybe he wants to swim in there?

he looks happy. see how white his teeths are :D

when u capture something, that something might capture u back. hahah!

sometimes, we wish our life is more colourful. and u tried so hard till..........

u're facing the street alone. coz u probably might leave something behind to get that something u want across the street.

i feel this is the kind of aura u feel in a picture.

probably not in this. but thanks for viewing all the pictures :)