The quiet things that no one really knows.
An-nur's hobbies:
going out with girlfriend, sleeping (in the morning, afternoon, night), sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer, playing computer games (includes surfing xxx websites), soccer,soccer, soccer, soccer, and eating chicken.
Casandra Hobbies:
shopping, shopping, shopping, listening music, reading and exposing people's secrets.
Cass Fears: Cancer, AIDS, prison, bugs, bacteria and downloading music illegally.
An-nur's Fears: The eradication / extinction of big bird (chicken) . And also fear of castration.
Cass Deepest darkest secret: Going to marry Keanu Reeves in 5 years time. 

An-nur Deepest darkest secret: Has an anaconda under his bed.